
The Avatar component displays an avatar image for a given Ethereum address or ENS name, with support for fallback images.

Add to your project

import { Avatar } from 'ethereum-identity-kit'
export default function Home() {
  return <Avatar address="0x1234...abcd" name="vitalik.eth" />
Try it out! - https://playground.ethidentitykit.com/?path=/docs/molecules-avatar--component-docs


ParameterDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
addressThe Ethereum address for the profile of the avatar.Yes-
srcThe source URL of the avatar image.Nohttps://metadata.ens.domains/mainnet/avatar/{name}
nameThe ENS name of the avatar.No-
fallbackThe fallback image to display if the avatar image cannot be loaded.Nohttps://ethfollow.xyz/assets/art/default-avatar.svg
styleInline styles to apply to the avatar.No-
propsAdditional props for the <div> element containing the avatar.No-